Thursday, January 8, 2009

Minor Setback

Funny story:

My husband's family is French. They don't speak English and I don't speak French. I feel terrible that we can't communicate and that I've never met his mother and grandmother and sister. So, for Christmas I decided to compose a very long letter letting them know that I love them, I can't wait to meet them, and giving them an update on our family. I then asked Bertrand to translate it, which he did. He approached me a while later and asked me how I wanted him to sign the letter. I said, "Just put Love and then each of our names in order." He returned a few minutes later and handed me the translated letter printed out. I looked it over and caught note of how he signed it on the end. It was signed:

Bertrand, Kristin, John, Sylvie-Faye, Chloe...

I said, "Um, honey. Why did you do dot, dot, dot after Chloe's name?"

He replied, "I don't know. Why?"

I said, "Because it looks like there's more to in more children."

His eyes bulged and his jaw dropped in horror. "Uh, NO! We are NOT having more children!" he retorted adamantly.

"I know. I know. But your family is going to see that and start calling with questions. They're going to think I'm pregnant or something."

A few days ago I was in the grocery store when I realized my family needed more milk. I approached the milk aisle and saw the big sale - 10 for $10 on half pints of milk, so I immediately began to stock it up in my cart. An old lady and her husband approached and smiled as they watched me frantically loading my cart with the milk (everyone was fighting for the milk). The old lady said, "Well, you must be big milk drinkers in your family."

I chuckled and said, "Yeah. I've got a few little ones at home....and another on the way." Then I stopped abruptly and the words that had just come out of my mouth suddenly hit my eardrums. I kind of pulled a funny face and then quickly scurried away.

"And another on the WAY?" I whispered aloud to myself. "What was THAT? How bizarre. Why would I say that?" I glanced back over my shoulder as I rounded a corner quickly and thought, "Well, at least they're complete strangers. I'll never see THEM again."

Well, folks, turns out the part of my brain that speaks knew something before the part of my brain that accepts reality did. I had been having weird symptoms for weeks and pregnancy was not even on my list of things it could possibly be. But here I am - pregnant. I'm due in August.

Is that gonna' stop my weight loss attempt? HECK NO! I'm already at least 40 pounds overweight. I don't need to get any bigger. Therefore, I will continue eating healthy, drinking lots of water, taking vitamins, using my supplements and exercising. Obviously, I'll go easy on the exercise. I wouldn't want to cause my baby any harm. But I get big from packing on tons of unnecessary calories found in things like french fries, cheeseburgers, Panda Express, and soda. That's not going to be part of my diet this time.

I'm already awaking in the middle of the night feeling half starved. Instead of grabbing chips or cookies or two slices of buttered white bread, I'm keeping the fridge and fruit baskets in my kitchen stocked full of fresh fruit and veggies. A carrot stick or an apple are what I choose now.

SO, I'm not gonna' look hot in a tankini this summer, but I will not be a huge pregnant woman. I'm determined this time. This is gonna' be a GOOD pregnancy.


  1. Congrats!! You never know, pregnancy was about the only time that i have ever worn a tankini. I felt like I had an excuse to show off my belly instead of hide it all ashamed. Of course I could only get away with that with my first pregnancy. By the third one, the stretch marks and battle scars were pretty gross. Ok...TMI :) Sorry :)

  2. No. No. I totally agree. I look like I've been clawed by a wild animal. It couldn't possibly get any worse...or maybe it could.
