Saturday, January 3, 2009

Hello! My Name Is Kristin And I'm Overweight!

So, here's the deal. Bottom line - I'm fat. Perhaps that's a bit harsh. Not so politically correct. I don't really care. I'm not here to sugar coat. I'm here to be honest.

I'm 33 years old and mother to a 12-year-old, 3-year-old and 2-year-old. Here's a typical conversation between me and whoever I'm whining at:

ME: I'm so fat. I'm so sick of it.

OTHER: (Patronizing tone) You're not fat.

ME: Ummm. Yeah. I am.

OTHER: Well, you just had two babies in a row.

ME: I know, but they're not babies anymore. My youngest is 2. There's no excuse. I shouldn't still be fat after two years.

OTHER: Well, you're in your thirties now. It's harder to lose weight.

ME: Tell me about it!

OTHER: (Sighs).

ME: Now say it! Say I'm fat.

OTHER: (Sighs). Okay, if that'll make you happy. You're fat.

ME: Thank you. Now, let's go get some ice cream.

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