Saturday, October 10, 2009

I Split My Head Open and Bled All Over The Cement!

That's how hard I fell off the wagon this week. (BIG SIGH) I feel like Massive Head Wound Harry.

So, now I have a choice - give up and just eat whatever...


strap my 10-pound baby on, push my daughters in their double stroller, and go to the park again. While they play on the slides and monkey bars, I walk laps in the sand. Now THAT is a workout!

And that's just what I did.

Okay, so I'm not giving stats this week because I hardly exercised and didn't quite do my Slim-Fast diet each day. And let me tell ya', you miss 1-2 days of your regimen and BAM! The weight just starts coming back on. I packed on 1.5 pounds this week. GRRR!

That's okay. It happens. It's not the end of the world. It doesn't mean I'm incapable of doing this. It just means I've got to get back on the wagon and keep rolling along again, slow but steady.

All right, here's another couple of juicer recipes for your enjoyment:

Breakfast Eye-Opener (This one's got a zing to it. It'll definitely make your eyes pop and your gears start turning. I like it!)

4 pineapple slices (top removed and skinned)
1 pink grapefruit (peeled)

Stress Buster (I could use this drink about five times a day having a full time job and a bunch of screaming, whiny kids. It's an interesting flavor. The pineapple definitely sweetens it)

2 stalks celery
1/2 bulb fennel
2 cups romaine lettuce
1/2 pineapple (peeled)

Last night I played around with what fruit I had left in my basket. I juiced 4 oranges and 2 peaches. YUM! Thick and pulpy, but so yummy in my tummy.

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