Thursday, February 26, 2009

Forgive Me, Father For I Have Sinned

Oh boy! Here comes the big confessional! Ever fallen off the wagon? Well probably not like THIS:

Let's see, my diet the last two weeks has consisted of:

French Fries
Dr. Pepper
Cadbury's Mini Eggs (Evil Evil People!)
Ice Cream

You name the junk food item, I've probably eaten it.

Exercise? What's that? Oh yeah. I vaguely remember walking on a daily basis. Yeah, THAT's over! Oh, and that exercise video, you know - the prenatal one? Pfft! I've never even taken it out of the plastic!



So, it's okay. It happens. But starting tomorrow I am back to walking and the Cadbury's Mini Eggs I purchased today will be my last this season. You know how I know? Because I bought a huge bag and sat and ate the whole thing today and I am so sick to my stomach that I think I cured myself of THAT addiction! And earlier this week I was actually not happy about eating french fries and having a Dr. Pepper one day because it just leaves me feeling disgusting! I'm done now. Okay? I swear it! I will sin no more!

Amazingly, I'm only 166 lbs. How I managed to pull that off is beyond me. Probably because what tiny bit of muscle I have in my body melted into fat mush and fat weighs less than muscle, so it all evened out.

Okay, I'm climbing back onto the wagon. Let's try this again.


  1. (Why do I feel like I'm always the little devil on everyone's shoulder?) You're pregnant! It's gonna happen. Good luck with the wagon! You can do it,I'm sure you can!

  2. It's the baby that needed those creme eggs. Aren't those egg people horrible? They practically start selling them at Christmas time. They are so awesome though.

  3. Oh my gosh! I know! So many people told me that because I was pregnant my willpower would not last and I adamantly stated that I would NOT give in. I should have known better.

  4. There's been no update in a while. How is everything going?
