Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Bare Minimum

First, let me answer Kimberly's question about the lecithin granules: I would have to say - Yes, I believe in them. I've actually run out and I'd like to go buy some more. Now I haven't tested the sales associate's theory that lecithin granules and better diet alone will prevent formation of new fat cells. I really need to exercise. I don't have time to be a guinea pig.

I can say this, though - simply power walking 3 miles a day, using lecithin granules in my oatmeal in the morning, having a cup of frozen blueberries a couple of times a week and eating grapefruit at least once every other day has obviously done something good because I'm 12 1/2 weeks into my pregnancy and I still haven't gained weight above what I was when I started. AND, I just barely went to purchase maternity clothes last night. I've worn my regular clothing up to this point. That's the best I've EVER done in a pregnancy. YAY!

Okay, onto my new bit of information. I purchased the book YOU: The Owner's Manual several months ago and have been reading it bit by bit (okay, it's bathroom reading. I don't have a whole lot of time...unless it's about vampires making out with humans. Hey, at least I'm honest.) Anyway, this book teaches you exactly how to take perfect care of your body and explains in very simple, entertaining terms how your body functions exactly.

So, I was spending some quality time in the bathroom (it's my only break from my kids during the day) and I flipped open to The Owner's Manual Diet chapter. And I found this to be interesting and very useful. This is the bare minimum you should do for your body. I will now share with you the crib sheet:

Walking: 30 minutes every day (or other general physical activity like swimming, if you cannot walk)

Stamina training (biking, swimming): 3 times a week, at a rate at which you are sweating for 20 minutes or are out of breath by the end.

Resistance training: 3 times a week, 10 minutes a day.

Stretching or yoga: Every day, after walking.

Deep breathing: Take 10 deep breaths every morning and night.

Sleep: Plan time for 7-8 hours of sleep daily.

The walking has been great, but now that that has become a regular habit (I have a friend I walk with - we motivate each other - I highly recommend it), I'm ready to add something more.

Last night at Border's Books (my man and I went shopping for Valentine's Day. Shopping is a passion of ours, so we like to take each other to stores and pick stuff out together rather than presenting each other with something) we were enjoying browsing with NO CHILDREN! I left my husband to browse the World War II books (not that I'm not interested, but I needed something a little lighter, plus I love just losing myself in a book store) and found myself eventually in the exercise video section. They've got so many great videos. I love the Bollywood dancing and belly dancing videos. Those look like fun.

But for now I purchased Gabrielle Reece's pre and postnatal workout video. It has three 15-minute workouts for each trimester and then a great belly slimdown video for the end. I'm excited to add that to my regimen. So now I will walk every morning for three miles and then come home and do a 15-minute workout with Gabrielle.

Oh, and let us not forget the deep breathing. I'll start each morning with 10 deep breaths and end each day with the same. And, after almost a decade of running on 4-5 hours of sleep a night, I am FINALLY forcing myself to sleep at LEAST 7 hours a night. I feel like my mental acuity is coming back.

Current weight: 164 lbs.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for answering my question! I'm really curious about the granules. Baby steps...granules now, walking later (Kadi & I are doing the Avon Walk so we'll have to walk eventually). I love the Bollywood dancing, too! The music is fun also. Great job. Keep up the good work!
