Sunday, February 7, 2010

An Update

Once again, I have cheated a little. I caught the flu. Yes, it's true - I did it on purpose just to lose weight faster. I love nothing more than record-breaking headaches and fevers with chills. Oh, and also tasting my food twice - once going down and again coming back up. YUMMY!

Now, on a serious note. I have continued working out and drinking lots of water and watching what I eat, but honestly, not with the help of the Asian slimming pills. I simply forgot to take them for a few days and I found that, amazingly, I stuck to my regular routine of drinking lots of water and hardly eating and exercising. I didn't have as much energy, but it looks like I'm officially forming some habits that will stay for life. YAY!

I do have new stats for ya'. I'll have to include another picture, but not until I'm officially over this horrid flu.

Last time I posted I was:

151 lbs.
Arms: 11"
Waist: 33.5"
Hips: 41"
Thighs: 22.5"

This morning my stats were:

147 lbs. (this might go up a bit once I start feeling well enough to keep food down - before the flu I was 149, but I like 147 better, so I'm posting it!)
Arms: 10.5"
Waist: 32"
Hips: 40"
Thighs: 22"

My secret weapon: strapping my 18-pound son to me, pushing my 36 lb. and 27 lb. daughters in a double stroller and going on a 1 1/2 hour walk! It's killer, but my buns and thighs are shaping up nicely and I'm losing weight and feeling great!

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