Monday, September 28, 2009

Get It Out!

The poop, that is. Yes, I'm talking about poop. Did you know you can get backed up in there and not even realize it? It can add pounds and bloating. So, doing a colon cleanse at least twice a year is a good thing for you.

Now, there are different levels of colon cleanses. There are the extreme cases where you purchase a system, which costs hundreds of dollars and you basically eat nothing but their supplements and drink their concoctions for a number of days. I don't know if you've seen the poop pictures on-line, but they're pretty nasty, so I'll spare you and NOT post them here. If you want to see the poop pics, just Google "Colon Cleanse" and you'll find all sorts of interesting things.

I, however, am trying an acai berry colon cleanse, which you do for ten days and it allows you to eat. I just purchased it at Walgreen's for $9.99. It's Select Greens 10-day Acai Detox. Here are the claims:

1. Cleanse.
2. Detoxify.
3. Reduce bloat and water weight.
4. Helps support metabolism.
5. Super fruit blend.

SO...we shall see if this does anything helpful for me. I'm instructed to drink 1/2 a gallon a day AT LEAST of water, I take 4 tablets before each meal and it says if I'm running to the bathroom too often (well, it says that in more professional wording), then cut back on the number of tablets I take.

Now, I'm doing this in conjunction with the Slim-Fast. I'm back on that. I've been doing Slim-Fast since I recovered from my surgery and it's working for me so far, so I'm going to keep it up for now.

If you're doing Slim-Fast and you're struggling to be satisfied with just a little shake for breakfast and lunch, I will share with you a little tip. Here's what I do - juice some fruit or veggies. If you can't juice 'em, just eat 'em. Pop some grapes or eat an apple, eat some carrot sticks. Just EAT SOMETHING RAW AND HEALTHY!!!! That's not cheating.

Going to your fridge, peering around to make sure nobody's watching, and snagging a piece of chocolate cake from the half sheet that your neighbor just brought over as leftovers from her daughter's wedding (Thanks a lot, Vickie) is considered cheating. And while we're on this note - anybody reading this who DOESN'T want to lose weight who would like to unload some cake from me? Anyone? Anyone? Hello? No? Hmph! Fine! Don't bail me out. Leave me alone to struggle with the battle in my head every day.


  1. I would LOVE some cake (except chocolate--hate that kind). However, someone just sent me to look at pictures of disgusting excrement, so I'm kinda nauseated now. And by "kinda," I mean a lot.

  2. I so want to look but just can't. Gross. So the acai berry works even while eating other food? I may have to try that one. Cool!!! Thank girl. And tell that Vickie shame shame, I want some cake.

  3. Throw the cake's the only way. And Yvonne ....why would you go look at the poop....has it been so long since you've changed a diaper that you forgot how disgusting it is?

  4. I know, Angie, BUT I can't throw food out. I just can't do it. Somehow I've managed to stay away from the cake, but it's only a matter of time before I give in to a sweet tooth craving. So...I either need to find someone to give it to or wait until it goes bad and THEN I can feel good about throwing it out. I just can't throw away good food.
